From the popular project "Star Wars: Visions" with seven leading animation studios in Japan, from the video work "THE TWINS" produced by Trigger, the younger brother "Kare" who awakened to the light side appears in SHFiguarts!While maintaining a wide range of motion, it is three-dimensionalized with modeling that is conscious of the unique lines and drawings of animation. A large volume mask and cloak are included, and the appearance of the dark side can be reproduced! With abundant optional parts, you can recreate the armor and the battle with your twin sister "Am".With a heroic range of motion and a body shape that is conscious of animation drawing, "Kare" is made into a movable figure for the first time!set content· Body• Replacement face part two· Replacement wrist parts 3 types each on the left and rightArmor parts set- Lightsaber
* Pictures may vary from actual product.